William Gilbert Endowed C of E Primary School and Nursery is proud to be a church school.  Rooted in the National Curriculum and the Church of England vision for education, we provide a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum in order that we can fulfil our school aims and enable every child to flourish as a child of God.

‘Through faith, hope and love, we learn together.’

Our curriculum intention is to provide William Gilbert pupils with memorable, engaging learning experiences that transcend cultural boundaries to empower and equip them for today and the future.

Our rich and progressive curriculum is designed to:

Develop and Build on Knowledge and Skills

We foster children’s delight in learning, equipping them to become creative, critical thinkers and lifelong, independent learners.  We do this by building on prior knowledge and delivering enriched learning sequences, in order that every child may fully develop their talents and fulfil their own aspirational, academic potential.

Develop Character

We harness a culture of learning from life’s mistakes within a safe and nurturing environment to develop discipline, healing, resilience, perseverance, self-belief and a willingness to take risks.  We strive for these characteristics to broaden horizons for all pupils, guiding them throughout their academic and personal lives.

Inspire Confident, Robust Advocates for the Future

We nourish our children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development within the Christian ethos of the school so that they embrace, understand and use their ethical compass to work collaboratively and empathetically to have a positive influence on the wider world.

Promote Respect and Develop Conscience 

We value the preciousness of each individual so that every child understands their inherent worth as well as the worth of others and is equipped and empowered to live life in all its fullness.